Monday, February 4, 2008

Journal 3: Hunts and Huts

I jabbed my spear into the helpless, squirming pig. This time I knew for sure I would get it! The pig squealed an ear splitting squeal. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the pig but yet again... it was just a pig and everyone needs meat. Then, my heart shuttered when I saw the spear fall off my stick. I couldn't believe this was happening. Why now? I nearly had the stupid pig.... Oh what I would do for a barb. The pig took his opportunity and ran as fast as he could through the intertwined tendrils. I cursed and debated about going back to Ralph and the other boys. I wouldn't want to go back empty handed. What would they think of me? A wimp? Oh well.... I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow I can flaunt the pig I will catch.... I walked through the festoon of trees and vines. I stomped through the bushes out of frustration and anger. I did not especially like hunting but at the same time, I loved the power of being the top of the food chain. I did especially like when I get to hunt alone and get away from everyone and especially that whiny Piggy. It was disappointing though because I never caught a pig, not once.
I reached the edge of the forest and saw Ralph with an oppressive look on both he an Simon's face. I felt bad for them.
Then a bunch of leaves fell from the top of the hut that they have been building for days. But then again, I have my worry to think about, I have to catch a pig... and soon.
I walked up to him, and wiped the sweat and dirt off of my face, "Got any water?" I asked him. He looked up at me with the glimmer of sweat resting upon his sunburn tan and then got back to his work. I grumbled and then asked, "I said have you got any water? I'm thirsty."
He looked back up at me with an aggravated voice, "Oh, hullo. Water? There by the tree. Ought to be some left."
I stumbled over there, bewildered by his reaction. I took the half of the coconut and drank the fresh, cool water that trickled down my dry throat like a waterfall. I heard the crash of leaves fall upon the ground and the voices of tired boys let down by the action. I walked back over to both the boys about to help but decided not to. I'm a hunter, I don't need to help. Then Ralph jumped down from his perch.
"Been working for days now. And look!'' Ralph impatiently announced.
I glanced around at the two whole shelters that stood beside each other and shrugged. He went on about how the others kept running off and taking baths. I had to stand up for my hunters, "Except me and my hunters--" I was cut off.
"Except the hunters. Well, the littluns are--" Ralph said. He didn't need to proceed, I think we both knew what he meant by that. They are hopeless..... Then he took the words right out of my head and began to speak again. I couldn't help but doubt about his leadership skills. He should be having more rules, more consequences to those who do not follow order. He should have more meetings. I would be much better of a leader than he could ever be. He would be better off without that stupid fatty counseling him. I gave him a furtive glance.
Than it was Simon that spoke,"You're chief. You tell 'em off." Ralph rambled on about how that wouldn't work until I heard the words... or go hunting,
I had to butt in.
"We want meat," I argued. I glanced over at the inscrutable eyes of Simon. He glared at me as if I had insulted him. He just put his head down and shook his head back and forth and chuckled as if it were some kind of joke of something.


Virginia said...

Hey sky I really liked reading your blog but I found a few mistakes. "The pig squealed an ear splitting squeal." Here, I think you could of re worded it into a sentence with a comma, so it would be like "The pig squealedm, an ear splitting squeal." Also in this sentence... "I walked through the festoon of trees and vines." I found that you used the word wrong.... Your blog really showed me how jack felt and gave me a good visual of the picture you where trying to show. It was a great story! =D

Maddy Rae said...

I agree with virgina i think it was a great blog but you did make some mistakes and go through it and re read it. Overall i really injoyed your blog and thought you were very creative.