Saturday, February 23, 2008

Journal 6: Memories of Home

I looked out onto the horizon. Will I ever get off of this horrid island? I just can’t stand the boys. The littuns whining and Jack and his over obsessive hunting, I don’t think I can handle it any longer. I closed my eyes and felt the cool, salty air press against my dirty face like my moms clammy hands surrounding my face. I missed my life at home. The warm bed covers tight around my body on rainy days and the real food that my mom would make. I opened my eyes to a soft, settle voice that spoke in my ear. It had hope but the tone in his voice made my heart sink. He had sadness to it.
“You’ll get back from where you came from.” I sure hope so but at this rate, I can’t determine whether it’s true or not. I looked up at Simon, trying to find an answer.
“It’s so big, I mean-” I looked at Simon more carefully to find a break in his face.
“All the same. You’ll get back all right. I think so anyway,” Simon said softly. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I wish I did but I didn’t.
“Got a ship in your pocket?” I said trying to lighten things up a bit. Simon cracked a little smile and shook his head evenly. His matted hair blew steadily in the salty wind, “How do you know then? I added. Simon had nothing to say or any action to do, “You’re batty,” I announced trying to break the silence. It was true though, he was quite crazy.

“No, I’m not. I just think you’ll get back alright,” he replied defensively. I started to smile and so did he. Whenever I’m around Simon, I can’t help but feel happy. He brings the hope in everything. I don’t know what I would do without him. He has a motherly way to him that makes me feel like I’m being looked after. I’m sure glad he’s here on this island with me and these other nut case boys. Simon walked away and sat on a moss covered boulder. I glanced at him then quickly turned my head back onto the horizon that my father will hopefully be sailing by to save us all.

I don’t know how long I was sitting there but I was rudely interrupted from my day dream by Jack, “Ralph-we need meat even if we are hunting the other thing.”

I looked over at Jack who was crouched down on the ground that was covered with droppings. Jack was holding one in his hands as if they were sacred. Oh great. I really don’t feel like hunting right now. I saw the hunters huddle together and flinch off and on about talk of the beast. They grabbed their spears which rested against a thick tree. I then grabbed my spear that was on top of the rock that I was sitting upon. I held my spear close to my chest.

We all moved slowly towards the pig run. I glanced at one of the hunters whose tan shirtless back was covered with scratches and dirt caked onto in. I couldn’t imagine my back looking any better. Oh how I would love to take a nice, warm bath with soap… That would be so wonderful. I remember when I hated to take bathes, now I would do anything for a real bath like that.

I heard the mumble and yells of boys start to erupt as I saw a flash of boar run past trying to get away. I tried to get closer and than Jack nudged me and tried to get further up than me. He fell while doing that action and I began to take aim. I swiftly moved my spear up to a position that I felt would hit the boar. My heart started racing and for a moment, I actually enjoyed the thrill of hunting. Then my mind came back to reality and I remembered that I was here for survival. I aimed than shot at the panicked boar. I squinted my eyes to see if I made the shot. There was a loud squeal coming from the boar. I walked closer trying to come for the kill but than I saw a swift movement and my hopes dropped. The boar was running away. Well, at least I injured it. I actually hit it! On my first shot too! I looked at Jack, he didn’t seem too pleased…

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