Sunday, February 17, 2008

Interview with Jack

Me: So I hear that you have a very strong opinion on hunting pigs and the beast. Why so? Why do you think that Ralph doesn't approve of you hunting all of the time?

Jack: I really do believe that hunting is the most important factor of living. I mean everyone has to eat. Anyways, I don't think I can live on fruit forever. That is truly preposterous. Also, we need to kill the beast that is frightening the littluns and could potentially lead to danger. Seriously, I am getting sick of there whimpers in the middle of the night. It can get quite annoying sometimes, especially after a long day of hunting. I really don't see why Ralph is being like this. I think he's just jealous that I get to hunt all day and he has to build huts and keep everything organized. Personally, I think that I would be a way better leader than him. He needs to give out more punishments to the boys that go against the rules. And yes, there should be lots and lots of rules! Also I think he should get rid of that stupid fatty that tells him the "right" thing to do. But that is going off subject.

Me: I take it that you don't like Piggy. How come? Why do you treat him poorly? Isn't he just another kid on the island?

Jack: The fatty is annoying! I just can't help but criticize him. He always thinks he knows everything but he doesn't. He just sits on his butt all day picking his nose and telling us workers what we should do better. I just think he's worthless. The only thing he's good for is his glasses that start the fire. I don't see how Ralph can put up with his nonsense. I think that he just feels sorry for the fatty, I mean, who would actually like the whiner as a friend?

Me: Do you believe that you will capture the beast that the littluns always talk about? If so, do you think is comes from the water or ground? What evidence makes you believe that there even is a beast out there? What do you think about Simon's thought on the beast?

Jack: I do believe that there could be a beast but the only doubt that I have is that I've been hunting everywhere and I haven't seen a single monster looking animal anywhere. It is possible that it could come from the water or maybe in places that I haven't looked yet, that is if there is any. I don't especially want it to be in the water because that would mean me and the others having to most likely go into the water to do something. I just wouldn't like that very much. If there is a beast, than I think that we have a good chance of winning it over. We just need everyones help and we can conduct our gyration move like me did with the pig to go in for the kill. That seemed to work very well. As for Simon, I think that his thoughts about the whole beast being us is stupid. I mean, seriously, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard! I think it's either a real beast or some other small animal that doesn't cause any harm.

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