Thursday, February 7, 2008

Joural 5: Rain Like Acid

I walked onto the soggy road that leads to nowhere. Alone. Quiet. Dark. The rain pounded on top of my head. It was rain that felt like acid. Acid that seeps through my mind, causing a deep pain jabbing through my heart. The tall skyscraper trees were swaying thunderously from the dominating wind that defeats the aching tree. Bug eaten dead leaves flew everywhere in the wind making a whirl of water and debris sucking my hair into the hurricane like force. I walked down the road and sat on the curb surrounded by sodden bushes. The spider webs trapped into the bush started to form beads of rain glued to the newly destroyed web that once was what a spider would call its home. I moved my hands sluggishly to my clammy face. I looked down at the snail tracks leading to the inside of the over grown bushes. I heard a voice from the distance. The sun started to peek from out of the ashen clouds and a bird chirped a sound of relief. I looked up, assuming that someone was looking for me but no one was to be seen. I sighed and went back to my statue like pose as the sun began to fade behind the reckless clouds once again. The birds started squawking as if they were in a fight with each other. It wasn't the kind of soft chirping noise that you would usually here on a nice sunny day but an evil squawk that rings in your ears like a bell that won't go away. I stood up and began to walk down the street that was filled with the grief of fog and dampness. Every step I took, the fresh asphalt stench rose up from the ground, filling my nostrils with the scent of wet tar. I cringed at the strong smell and walked quicker to get to the green grass park as soon as possible. I shuddered in the disappointment of the dead grass that once was beautiful green grass, full of life and the sweet scent of freshly cut grass. Now, it was dead, brown grass that had all of the juice and life sucked out of it. It was dreadful just to look at it. I walked over to the swings and wiped off the drops of water that sat upon the washed out yellow color of the swing seat. I sat on the seat and pushed off of the dead ground and started swinging..higher and higher... I closed my eyes and breathed in the moist air. I felt like I was flying, lifting up and getting higher. The air was blowing across my face and finally...the wet sprinkles started to stop. I cracked a little smile as the sun melted into my thawing cheeks. I opened my eyes to the bright sun fighting, trying to escape from the ominous clouds. Half of the sun started to show up.....then all of it. The circular sun began show bright as the clouds moved back to the horizon, defeated by the suns success. I laughed happily and began to swing higher and higher, just like a bird...

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Skylar, I really like how you described all the senses in your blog to create a scene...I really like this sentence.
I shuddered in the disappointment of the dead grass that once was beautiful green grass, full of life and the sweet scent of freshly cut grass. Now, it was dead, brown grass that had all of the juice and life sucked out of it