Saturday, February 23, 2008

Journal 8: The Split of the Conch

The singing.... the food.... the fire.... the people. I was ecstatic with laughter and a full stomach. Although I felt bad for Ralph being alone with Piggy all night and us ditching him, it sure was fun. Jack sat upon his "throne" and we danced around the fire with our spears and matching decorated faces. When I came to the feast, I was welcomed by a joyous group of older boys, Jack, Maurice, Bill and Robert, Henry and Roger. They put left over pigs blood on my cheeks and vertically down my face. It felt warm against my skin like liquidized sunshine. It felt good but queerly disturbing. It made me feel like I was truly a hunter, not afraid of anything. It sure did feel good though. I was usually one of the boys that did nothing all day but took bathes and had fun but I did want to help. Maybe if I join Jack's crew, I could be apart of the hunters. Aside from Ralph's group which builds huts and keeps the fire going all day. I don't know if that is the way to go. Although it is important, I just believe that it would be best if we thought about what we should be doing now, not building a fire. Eventually, someone is going to find us. The army probably will sometime or another. I just believe that hunting is the way to go. Everyone needs meat and we need to kill the beast to be safe. That should be our main priority.... to be safe.
We danced all night and it has been so much fun. Roger threw me another slab of meat and I sat down and munched on it. The tender, juicy meat made my mouth water. It was so great, I wish we had this every night. I saw the twins dancing and started to chant.... "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!" I laughed and got up and started to dance. I joined in the chant too. We held our spears to the fire as if it were the beast. Then we all laughed and started to dance and eat again.
Than, Ralph and Piggy came to the feast and everything stopped... People moved over to the grass, pretending that they were not eating. I looked over at Sam who turned red as he put down his half eaten meat. I looked over at Ralph who was looking back and forth from the pig to us. He looked disappointed but had a savory glimmer to his eyes that made him look hungry for the cooking meat. Piggy yelped at a boy bumping into him with a greasy, sizzling piece of meat. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. Piggy was such a wimp sometimes.
"Take them some meat," Jack ordered. Two of the boys cut a thick piece of meat and brought it over to them. Ralph looked down at his meat that was in his hands and looked like he was beginning to drool. Once Piggy was handed his meat, he put it to his mouth and a big dribble of cooked blood came down on his chin, dripping down to the ground. Ralph looked over to Piggy then followed his lead. I looked up at the sky and saw the clouds slowly coming in. I hope that a storm won't come. At this point, I'm not sure if I will be welcomed to sleep in one of the huts that Simon and Ralph made.
"Has everybody eaten as much as they want?" Jack said in a loud, booming voice. I was afraid of him sometimes. I looked over to see if there was anymore meat. There was more but I don't think I could handle anymore, I was so full.
"Has everybody eaten as much as they want?" He said more impatiently this time. Everyone ate fast, including me. Mostly out of fright of Jack. But my grandma always told me to be close to my friends but even closer to my enemies. I never thought that I would be doing that but it does work very well.
"Give me a drink," Jack ordered Henry. Henry quickly went to go get him a half of a coconut shell filled with water. Piggy and Ralph went farther back and so did I.
"All sit down," Jack announced to all of us. We all sat on one of the logs. I knew what it was going to lead to and I was very frightened...
"Who is going to join my tribe?" I was right... my heart sank and my stomach turned upside down. I looked at Ralph who looked purple in the face...


DJ said...

"""Who is going to join my tribe?" I was right... my heart sank and my stomach turned upside down. I looked at Ralph who looked purple in the face..."

i like that part, i just think you should add about how ralph kept trying to say that he is chief.

kkaufman said...

Your opening sentence is great because in five words you set the stage vividly. You images are beautiful like the blood on his skin feeling "like liquidized sunshine. The only edit I would think about is eliminating some of the factual details and concentrating more on the emotional details such as "he looked disappointed but had a savory glimmer to his eyes that made him look hungry." Another example about providing more emotional detail is at the very end when Eric says that his "heart sank and my stomach turned upside down." You are a really good writer.