Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Journal 4: Pig vs. Ship

I sat down under the giant palms and looked up at the sky. I know I should be working on the huts but I just need one little break. I closed my eyes and than opened them. I saw Piggy come over and I was not pleased. Can't I just have alone time....by myself? He went up to my feet and than sat down. I rolled my eyes up and got ready for what ever he has up his sleeve. Piggy started to talk crazy once again about a sundial. Why would we want to know the time of day? What a stupid idea. He might as well just build us a plane or ship back to safety. Oh how I loved pulling Piggy's leg. He takes things way to seriously. I walked as fast as I could over to the other boys, Maurise and Simon having fun in the lagoon. I felt like I was a regular, not serious boy there. Piggy came along too. Does he always have to follow me? What an annoying kid. I rolled on my back, pretending to not know he was standing right next to me like a dog to his owner. I closed my eyes and than opened them to the beautiful mirage of a ship with a puff of smoke gliding amongst the horizon of the ocean meeting with the opalescence sky. What a nice mirage...I thought incredulously and then paused for a second and then blinked twice and realized that it truly was a ship. It could be my father! Oh, I knew he would come! We need fire! We need smoke! I jumped to my feet and yelled, "Smoke! Smoke!"
I saw both boys stumble from their positions in the lagoon. I couldn't believe this was happening!
"I can't see no smoke. I cant see no smoke, Ralph-where is it?" Piggy, as usual whined. I didn't answer. I couldn't answer....They'll see the signal...right? I just wanted to go back. Back home, back to my life. I looked up the mountain where the fire should have been but to my dismay, I saw nothing. Nothing at all. I stood there, frozen. Hearing the buzz of boys calling my name. I ran, ran as fast I could, into the water, trying to make a ruckus so that the ship might see me. I knew it wasn't going to help but I couldn't help but try. I ran to the edge of the scar and swore under my breath. How could this happen? A ship could have saved us but no, there is no fire. How could this have happened? I thought of and implication that could save us. Piggy's specs.
"Piggy's specs! If the fire's all out, we'll need them-" I yelled. I heard Piggy whimper at the thought of that as he tried to make it up the hill. No, oh no... the ship will pass before I get a single smoke silhouette. This can't be happening, I am over whelmed! Where is the hunters, the watchers? Why are they not doing their job? Who cares about killing a stupid pig when we could have thousands when we get saved? "Oh God, oh God!" The ship wasn't coming without a fire and they would never see it now. This is truly preposterous. Now I just had to wait until the hunters came back...

"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood," the hunters chanted as they exited out of the forest.
"Look! We've killed a pig-we stole up on them-got in a circle-" Jack announced ecstatic by his accomplishment. All at once, they told the others and I about their gyration move they made to kill the pig. AS if I cared. We nearly got saved but they had fun and killed a pathetic pig. I glanced over to the dead, slaughtered pig and shivered at the look at it. When the shrill of voices died down, I finally got my chance to talk.
"You let the fire go out."
"We can light the fire again," Jack replied then went on about more irrelevant events about how great his hunt was and how I should have been there. Then there was an uproar of voices talking all at once about their glorious trip. Between breaks in uncontrolled chatter, I repeated my line in disbelief. They acted as if it was not a big idea at all.
"There was a ship," I added now. My heart sank every time I thought of it. I saw Jacks face stare in doubt. I added not in a malevolent tone, "There was a ship. Out there. You said you'd keep the fire going and you let it out!" I went on and all Jack could say was, "We need meat." I'm the leader and I take control, they need to listen to my command. We all need to have a meeting. We need to regroup, that is with the people that are willing to follow me. The rest of the night, I though about this and then finally I couldn't handle Jack and his power hungry hunger and the uncontrollable boys yelling. At dinner I cracked and shouted, "With the conch. I am calling a meeting even if we have to go into the dark. Down on the platform. When I blow it. Now," I turned around and headed into the dark cold of the night, seeing whom might show up for the meeting.

1 comment:

Maya said...

"What a nice mirage...I thought incredulously and then paused for a second and then blinked twice and realized that it truly was a ship. It could be my father!"
I like this part because I would have never thought of having Ralph think about his father being on the ship. Very creative and descriptive. Nice work!