Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Conch (Ralph and Piggy)

Although this is the first scene in the book, I think that it has been one of the most important ones. In this scene, Ralph and Piggy first meet and learn from the evidence from the scars of the plane, that they were in a plane crash. This introduces two very important characters that contribute a lot to the book, Ralph and Piggy. Ralph in this scene is holding a conch shell that he found. At first he didn't know what is was and didn't care much for it until Piggy said that it was a Conch shell. Piggy said that if you blow into it, it would make a loud noise, kind of like a horn. Ralph decided to blow into it because they thought that there must be more survivors from the crash. So Ralph blows the conch and other boys slowly come from within the forest and this starts a whole new adventure. Besides what happens next, this scene is the introduction to the book and the conch shell is a key element to the book as well. The conch is what brings all of the boys together as one civilization. When ever you hold the shell, you get to talk and address your concerns at meetings. Sometimes it doesn't always work but some of the time it does. Another important part about the conch and blowing it is that when the boys came, they voted on a leader. Since Ralph was the one that blew the conch, most of the boys voted him as leader. So that is a very important outcome of this scene.

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