Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Journal 2: Island Barbecue

No one ever listens to me..... Sometimes, I don't even get Ralph. He listens to me... sometimes.... but most of the time, it's like he thinks of me as an insect or something less then him. I personally think that I am more nimble than all of the boys here. My offerings are officious to them. Ralph is the only one that takes my advise. I walked slowly next to Ralph where he was having a conversation with Jack. Jack looked scornfully at Ralph. I wasn't sure what they were talking about but whatever it was, it made the little kids and everyone else but Jack cheerful. He didn't look too pleased by what was going on. I looked up at Jack and then a kid stood up and I got a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach...
"A fire! Make a fire!" The young boy yelled and everyone rose up and began to run. Other boys yelped and yelled excitedly. Even Jack came along too. Ralph looked at the boys with fear taking over his eyes.
"Like kids," I said, thinking of something to say, "Acting like a crowd of kids!" Ralph didn't say anything in reply. I felt bad for him as he bent down to put the conch shell down. He was in power one second and then the next, he wasn't. I didn't know what to do. Should I go and follow them up there to see what disaster they'll make next? Maybe I can stop them from making a bad decision.... But then again...Who's going to listen to Piggy? No one. Well, it might be amusing to watch the fools make idiots out of themselves. I took a step towards the hill, then stopped. Oh, I don't know, if I get involved, Jack will call me a lazy fatty. I really don't fancy Jack. Well, I should be up there though. I'm part of the group too, I should watch over them. Gosh, sometimes I feel like their mother..... I started to jog up the hill, slowly running out of breath.

The first thing I knew, the kids were harassing me to pull my specs off. I squealed at them saying they'll break but no one ever listens to Piggy, do they? I looked over at the unfair, tumult group of boys, trying to burn a lump of wood. There was a thin silhouette of smoke rising from the forest of wood. I didn't believe it at first and I didn't want to either. I have a bad feeling about this... Finally a small flame started to erupt from the longer smoke that resembled a snake. There was a wave of cheers that crashed upon me in my worst fear as the fire grew and grew.... A small flame had then warped into a big one.
"That was no good," Ralph said, disappointed.
"What d'you mean?" Roger added in.
"There wasn't any smoke. Only flame."
I sat down and placed the now forgotten conch shell on my legs, "We haven't made a fire, what's any use. We couldn't keep a fire like that going, not if we tried."
Jack then opened his mouth and I rolled my eyes back and mentally got ready for the crude comments he was about to make that almost seemed irresistible for him to sustain.


Peter Economy said...

Hi, Sky. I really like your first two journal entries -- you're a MUCH better fiction writer than I am. I predict a very successful career as a novelist. Or a figure skater. Or a doctor. See you in Nashville!

Emma Christenfeld said...

Great job but can you tell me about the kid with the birthmark? I have no technical corrections since yours was so good. Amazing job!

Mr. Shaddox said...


I really like this passage: "I felt bad for him as he bent down to put the conch shell down. He was in power one second and then the next, he wasn't." You've perfectly summed up the symbolism of Ralph's actions with the conch. Very insightful.

REVISION: Write 5-10 sentences that describe Piggy's decision to pick up the conch and follow the boys up the hill.

Sky said...

Mr. Shaddox-

Here are the changes that I made....

I didn't know what to do. Should I go and follow them up there to see what disaster they'll make next? Maybe I can stop them from making a bad decision.... But then again...Who's going to listen to Piggy? No one. Well, it might be amusing to watch the fools make idiots out of themselves. I took a step towards the hill, then stopped. Oh, I don't know, if I get involved, Jack will call me a lazy fatty. I really don't fancy Jack. Well, I should be up there though. I'm part of the group too, I should watch over them. Gosh, sometimes I feel like their mother..... I started to jog up the hill, slowly running out of breath.

Thanks- sky