Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog 13-Revision of "Blog 7-The Lord of the Flies"

I was so thirsty, I couldn't go on. I had to take a rest.... I took one more step toward the mat of creepers and leaves. I stepped onto it and dizzily sat down clumsily on it heaving in and out. I closed my eyes than opened them again. My eyes followed the dancing iridescent, beautiful butterflies. The sun reflected against their symmetrical wings like they were out of a story book like the one my mom used to read to me. Tales about the beauty of nature and princesses and princes. I miss that a lot.
I hope no one will come looking for me... Well, they probably won't.... They all think I'm batty. Ralph said it himself. I just really do think that we should climb the mountain to find the beast and if no one will do it, I'll just do it myself then. Someone has got to end this mess. I can't stand the littuns whining and now with Jack gone, no one thinks we can do anything. I think we can live without him. We'll just have to hunt without Jack. I still don't believe that there really is a beast. I just want to prove that there really isn't. Well, maybe with Jack gone now, more people would believe me that there isn't a beast and that it could be us. But who knows, maybe there is a beast. I just want this feud to end, there is just too many fights and someone is eventually going to get hurt.

Then, my train of thought was abolished by the sound of a squeal of terror, then the tear and rip of what seemed like skin. I heard the chatter of boys, bemused in their accomplishment. Was it the beast? Did they find the beast? I looked where they were but than I heard the voices of Jack and other boys.
"Chief-" said one of the followers.
"Uh-?" Jack replied half of his attention on the questioning boy.
"How can we make a fire?"
I took a step closer to hear but I stepped on a leaf and made the crinkling noise that could eventually give away where I was so I stood there, as still as I could be.
"We'll raid them and take fire. There must be four of you; Henry and you, Bill and Maurice. We'll put on paint and sneak up; Roger can snatch a branch while I say what I want. The rest of you can get this back to where we were. We'll build fire there. And after that-" Jack paused from his speech as i tried to get a better look.
"But we'll leave part for the kill..." Jack ended with an ominous tone ringing in his voice that made my spine shiver. I should worn Ralph... But he would probably just say I'm "batty" and not listen. I wouldn't help anyways, Jack has power that is strangely unmatchable. I wonder what they are talking about a "part for the kill." I heard the talk die down as the loud foot steps wondered off. I took a step closer to where the boys were once and I moved the creepers out of the way to see what they had done. My eyes went wide and my stomach churned. Right before me was the blood drenched head of a boar skewered on a sharpened stick. The mouth was opened as if it were talking. It's black coal eyes glared at me. I stepped closer bewildered by the sight and walked to the opposite side. Where ever I moved, the bodiless head still had it's eyes gazing at me from it's position. Flies all at once started to invade the head of the pig. Flies went everywhere, in it's blood dripping mouth to the tips of his ear. The look in his lifeless eyes said that everything was not good. Everything that they were doing was bad.
"I know that," I said, not knowing that I had said that aloud. I suddenly felt embarrassed by my sudden reply. Was I really going crazy? Were the other boys right? I turned away from the taunting pig. What if the beast did not come for his present?

Run away, go back to the others. It was a joke really... Why should you bother? You were just wrong, that's all. A little headache, something you ate, perhaps. Go back, child,
said the still boar. I wasn't sure if the pig was really talking to me or if it was purely me going mad. It could be the lack of water, I thought.
I looked up at the sky and saw the clouds rolling in and the pig, covered in flies posted in the air. Then, I felt a tickle that swiftly rose up my leg. I looked down and saw a black fly with green streaks crawling up my leg. I tried to slap it off but it flew away too fast and then landed on the snout of the Lord of the Flies. He really was the Lord of the Flies. They were all of his loyal subjects, clinging onto him. Then, another fly leaped on me and then another, and another. I swiftly moved my hand to where they had landed but that was no use. After they flew off, they would just move to another part of me. I felt like I was being swarmed, or drowned in flies. I felt like I was the Lord of the Flies as well. My right temple started thumping and didn't stop. I closed my eyes and listened to the thumping of my brain. I then heard the unmistakable voice of the Lord of the Flies speak again, that rung in my ear...

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