Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog 12: The Trial of Jack Merridew- Trial Preperation

Defense Attorney: You are Gertrude Merridew mother of Jack Merridew, 12. Are you not?

Gertrude: Yes, I am Gertrude, Merridew.

Defense Attorney: Your son was tried for murder after returning home from being stranded on an island for three months because of a plane crash. Are you also the mother of, Elizabeth Merridew, 15?

Gertrude: Yes, I am.

Defense Attorney: Are you also forty-five and live in Amsterdam, Britain with your two kids? Your husband died when Jack was around seven?

Gertrude: Yes that is true. I am also the manager of Jack's, choir and I teach the boys songs.

Defense Attorney
: What did you feel like when you heard about you're son, Jack, returned home and was tried for murder?

Gertrude: I was absolutely terrified that my own flesh and blood was tried for murder. I mean, how can my son be a murderer? He had just returned home and told me everything that had happened on the island. He mentioned a few of the boys dying but he never said that he killed him. He was greatly saddened by the loss of the boys and I don't think he would be sad if he killed them. That is utterly preposterous! I raised my boy perfectly and he is a perfect young man! I am repulsed that you people would even think my son is a murderer. He gets straight A's and is the head of the choir. Frankly, I think it would be impossible for my perfect son to be a murderer, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

Defense Attorney: I can see that you feel very strongly about this matter. What exactly did he say when he was telling you what had happened on the island?

Gertrude: Well, we sat down to have a spot of tea and he told me about all of the great adventures he had. The first thing he remembers was waking up on dirt with all of the choir boys around him after the plane crash. They explored around for a bit and then they heard a horn like thing blow from the distance so they got in an orderly line and followed one another to the sound. Of course my Jack was leading them. I bet they were the best dressed on that filthy island. You know, I’m the one that made their outfits-

Defense Attorney: Ok, please remain on the subject ma’am.

Gertrude: Well, I’m sorry. Okay, he told me that they came across, Ralph, holding a conch with the fatty that you are accusing my son for murdering. Well anyways, he said they had some kind of bonfire after the other boys on the plane heard the “conch shell,” I think that’s what he said it was. They decided that Ralph was the leader and all. Jack said he agreed with that. He was the leader of the explorers and he said he hunted one or two times. He said he had no choice, the boys wanted their meat. He doesn’t like killing though. I would know my son and he does not agree with war or killing. He has been raised to know his priorities. I guess they had some kind of system in their “tribe” or whatever they called it. Jack and the other choir boys went hunting, exploring and switched off and on about maintaining a signal fire. It seemed like a nice civilized way of doing things, especially for young English school boys. I personally think that they did a better job than you would ever do.

Defense Attorney: Okay, do you remember him saying anything about the deaths on the island?

Gertrude: Well, he did say something about a few of the boys dying but he said that it was just weird accidents. Anyways, they were on the island for quite a while, they would most likely have a few deaths. If it were only adults on the island, there would be more than just a few deaths. I mean, seriously, the island would turn into full bloody war! I bet you it would! Otherwise, he seemed sad about the deaths but I told him to be thankful that he was alive. I’m just happy with him still living on this planet. That is all that my daughter and I care about.

Defense Attorney: When Jack was telling you about the deaths, did he at all seem uncomfortable telling you about these “accidents?”

Gertrude: Of course not! He is brave and a true leader, just like his father was. He was sincere when he told me about it but was not guilty one bit. Why should he? It was not his fault that the boys had died. Give him a break, he does not deserve this, nor does any of the other boys. They have just gotten back from probably the most dramatic thing that they will ever encounter in their whole life! Not just Jack but all of the boys. They are just children and you are treating my boy like he is a mass murderer! I just don’t get it and I know that the result of this case will prove my son, Jack, innocent!

Defense Attorney: Okay, thank you for your time, we will move on to your daughter now.


Defense Attorney - Elizabeth Merridew, I am finished interviewing your mother you may enter the room.

Elizabeth - Okay, I am coming.

Defense Attorney - Come sit down and we'll get started. For my first question, are you for a fact Elizabeth Merridew, who is 15 years old, sister of the defendant Jack Merridew who is 12?

Elizabeth - I am Elizabeth Merridew, but I prefer Beth, and I am 15 years old. I live in Amsterdam, Britain with my Mother, Gertrude (45), and Brother, Jack (12). I am also the head pianist of the Boys of Amsterdam choir, which Jack leads. Being the head pianist of the choir I am given the joy of being able to work everyday with my brother and my Mother out side of the house. I think that being able to work in this environment has made our family a lot closer.

Defense Attorney - Well that leads me to my next question. How did you feel when you found out that your brother was stranded on an island? And how did you feel when you found out that your only brother was being accused of murder.

Elizabeth - When I first found out about my brother being stranded on an Island I was kind of happy. I was really looking forward to my whole life not being surrounded by perfect mama’s boy, Jack Merridew. But then after about one week I really started to miss him I didn’t know how I would be able to survive possibly being an only child.

Defense Attorney – So you were glad that you brother was gone.

Elizabeth – Well, at first I was glad that he was gone. But like I said I really started to miss him and I started to think that I would never see my baby brother again. But once he got home and told us that he was the leader of the boys on the island I was very proud of him. I was proud because I know him as the type of boy who would step up to lead and he did. He is a great leader, even if he can get bossy and fussy at times I know he can control anyone. Yes, even young boys.

Defense Attorney – Even though you were proud that he was leader, how did you feel when you found out that your brother was being accused of murdering 2 boys while they were on the island?

Elizabeth - At first I didn’t know what to say I mean I had no idea that someone would even be able the accuse my brother of such a horrible crime. He would never let anyone get so out of control that someone would get killed. And he would never let his anger take control of him in a way that would make him kill anyone.

Defense Attorney – So you are saying that he has anger problems.

Elizabeth – No I am just saying that he is a great leader who knows how to keep control, even if he does it in a mean way at times. But I don’t think that he would ever let any thing go so far out of control that he could kill any one or let anyone get endangered in such a way that they could die like the prosecution is saying.

Defense Attorney – Thank you, Elizabeth Merridew. I have gotten my questions answered and you may now go meet your mother in the hallway and wait for your next interview, with the prosecution.

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